Prominent ear surgery is a deformity that is accompanied by excessive angulation in the position of the ear with respect to the skull, and the indistinction in the fold of the ear, sometimes accompanied by the earlobe. Since 90% of ear development is usually completed at the age of 6, we can perform this operation just before school age, so that the psychology of children is not affected. It can also be applied for patients who did not care about the prominent ear problem or did not find the opportunity until adulthood.
Detailed examination of the patient is the first and most important step. The general condition of the patient, accompanying diseases, medications used, and whether expectations are realistic are the most important points for us. Detailed examination together with the anesthesiologist is a must for preoperative preparation. If the patient smokes, it is recommended to stop 3 weeks beforehand, and blood thinners to be discontinued before the specified time. Preoperative planning is an important step for surgical preparation.
Special conditions of the patient are evaluated and the most appropriate surgery is planned for the anatomy and cartilage structure of the ear.
Prominent ear surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia with adults by chatting with the patient, during the operation or it can be performed under general anaesthesia, especially with pediatric patients. In this surgery, which lasts an average of 2 hours, cartilage removal and/or cartilage shaping with stitches are performed with incisions behind the ear based on the patient’s needs. At the end of the procedure, there are stitches behind the ear that will dissolve on their own.
Depending on the procedure and taking into account the general condition of the patient, the patient can be discharged from the hospital on the same day; the patient can also be treated by hospitalization for one or several nights after surgery. In this process, the necessary treatments are performed, it is recommended to lie down with a few pillows under the head to keep it high. It is recommended not to lie on the ear for a while. A band called otoplasty band is worn. During the recovery period, the patient is followed up at regular intervals while medical dressing is being performed. Usually, there are no stitches to be removed. It is recommended to use the otoplasty band for 2-3 more weeks. It will take time for oedema in the ear to pass and the ear to take its full shape. As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications during prominent ear surgeries. Some of these may require revision surgery attempts.