What is an Aesthetic Buttock?
The size of the buttocks is proportional to the body and hips, being sufficiently prominent when viewed from the side, and having a smooth, rounded appearance create an aesthetic butt perception. The butt is shaped using different techniques according to the needs of the person.
Detailed examination of the patient is the first and most important step. The general condition of the patient, accompanying diseases, medications used, and whether expectations are realistic are the most important points for us. Detailed examination together with the anesthesiologist is a must for preoperative preparation. If the patient smokes, it is recommended to stop 3 weeks beforehand, and blood thinners to be discontinued before the specified time. Preoperative planning is an important step for surgical preparation. If necessary, the shape and size of the prosthesis is determined. Then, the patient is evaluated outpatient and the necessary technique is decided.
In the buttock surgery process, fat cells taken from the abdomen, hips, waist and back area by liposuction method can be performed by fat injections into layers of different depths after undergoing a number of procedures according to the need in the butt area. Thus, a body appearancein more ideal proportions is achieved.
Buttock surgery with fat grafting method allows us to shape the butt while thinning the body areas where fat is removed, it provides the opportunity to get rid of unwanted excess fat accumulations, especially in the waist and abdomen. Another advantage of this method, which also helps to improve body posture, to correct the transition in the waist and hip area, is that the fat injected into the butt area is long-term and safe due to the person’s own tissue. Another advantage of this method, in which the surgical incision is not used, is that it is performed with the help of injection cannulas through a few millimetres inlets.
It is possible to shape the buttocks with silicone implants or a combination of these two methods for people who do not have enough adipose tissue. In the operation performed with silicone implants, sutures hidden between the hip folds are inevitable. A silicone implant is placed in the pocket opened into the muscle through incisions. A silicone implant is a more suitable option for certain patients, as it provides more volume.
The patient may be advised to use special corsets for a certain period. In particular, it is recommended that patients with implants should not sit on their hips for at least 1 week for a long time.
Contour irregularities, oedema, bleeding, infection, bruises, numbness, fat embolism may occur.