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Chin / Jaw Surgery (Genioplasty or Mentoplasty)

Jaw surgeries are surgeries performed when the jawlines are not compatible with the face. Especially small chin tips and non prominent jawlines are the most common reasons for the application. Here, if there are problems with biting and closing the jaw, a separate procedure called orthognathic surgery is performed, and this subject is covered in detail in the orthognathic surgery section. Herein, we will provide information about patients who do not have biting disorders. A lower or small chin can sometimes be a problem that distorts the aesthetic appearance. There are many methods available to define the chin tip. There are many surgical methods such as fat injection to the chin tip, chin prostheses called silicone or medpor, bone shaping and screwing, which we call genioplasty. Apart from this, an aesthetic jaw appearance can be performed with fillers without the need for surgery.


Detailed examination of the patient is the first and most important step. The general condition of the patient, accompanying diseases, medications used, and whether expectations are realistic are the most important points for us. Detailed examination together with the anesthesiologist is a must for preoperative preparation. If the patient smokes, it is recommended to stop 3 weeks beforehand, and blood thinners to be discontinued before the specified time. Preoperative planning is an important step for surgical preparation.

Die besonderen Bedingungen jedes Patienten werden bewertet und die chirurgische Planung wird entsprechend der Anatomie des Kiefers und des Gesichts vorgenommen.


If fat is to be injected into the chin, the adipose tissue taken from the patient’s own body with the help of cannulas is injected to the place considered necessary in the chin. For patients who do not have sufficient adipose tissue or who need a prosthesis due to their anatomy, the chin is reached with small incisions through the inside of the mouth or under the chin, and chin prostheses called silicone or medpor are placed. For people in which the prosthesis is not considered suitable or who do not prefer the prosthesis, the jawbone is again intervened with incisions through the mouth.

The jaw tip bone is brought to the desired location and fixed with screws.


Depending on the procedure and taking into account the general condition of the patient, the patient can be discharged from the hospital on the same day; the patient can also be treated by hospitalization for one or several nights after surgery. In this process, the necessary treatments are performed, it is recommended to lie down with a few pillows under the head to keep it high. In some cases, it may be recommended to wear a chin strap/supporter to fit the prosthesis to the area and reduce oedema.

Wenn Nähte im Mund vorhanden sind, werden eine Diät und eine Mundpflege empfohlen, die die Mundhygiene gewährleistet. Wie bei jedem chirurgischen Eingriff besteht auch bei ästhetischen Kieferoperationen das Risiko von Komplikationen. Einige dieser Komplikationen können Revisionsoperationen erforderlich machen.