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Re-Construction of The Breast (Breast Reconstruction)

Unfortunately, breast cancer can occur in one in 8 women. The absence of breasts can create a feeling of physical and psychological deficiency in many women. Reconstruction of the breast that was removed due to breast cancer is called breast repair or breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction surgeries can be performed with implants and the patient’s own tissues. On occasion, it can be performed by combining implants and their own tissues together. Breast repair does not affect the process of treating breast cancer. For this reason, most of the time, breast removal can be performed even simultaneously with the operation. It is not an operation that prevents chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the subsequent process. In this case, repair planning can be performed in a multidisciplinary way where many branches come together and make a joint resolution and planning. However, breast repair can be performed in the late period for patients who do not feel ready for repair.

Breast repair with silicone:

It is usually the first preferred method for patients with early-stage cancer detection or who need preventive breast removal. The inside of the breast is completely removed by the oncological breast surgeon in such a way that the skin remains, we plastic surgeons replace it with suitable breast silicones and create a new breast. If the breast skin is sufficient, silicone implants are directly placed. If it is not enough, tissue expanders can be placed to gradually expand the skin. When a tissue expander is placed, a second attempt is usually required. Sometimes, in cases in which the breast skin is insufficient, tissue from the back can be prepared and used to better cover the top of these silicone structures.

Breast making with your own texture:

It is a method of re-creating breasts with the help of tissues prepared from the back, abdomen or thigh. This method allows us to create a more natural breast compared to the repair with a silicone prosthesis. These operations may be methods that require microsurgical methods, or they may be in the form of stem tissue transfer that does not require microsurgery.


Detailed examination of the patient is the first and most important step.  Along with the detailed examination, it is necessary to discuss and decide together with necessary branch medical attendants such as a general surgeon, oncologist, radiation oncologist, radiotherapist and pathologist. The general condition of the patient, accompanying diseases, medications used, and whether expectations are realistic are the most important points for us. In the detailed examination, the most appropriate method for the patient is decided. Detailed examination together with the anesthesiologist is a must for pre-operative preparation. If the patient smokes, it is recommended to stop 3 weeks beforehand, and blood thinners to be discontinued before the specified time. Preoperative planning is an important step for surgical preparation.


Es wird entschieden, welche Operationsmethode für die Patientin am besten geeignet ist, und es werden Vorbereitungen und Planungen getroffen. Gegebenenfalls sind zusätzliche Eingriffe erforderlich, um die Symmetrie zwischen der intakten Brust und der neuen Brust zu gewährleisten. Die zu wählende Methode und das Verfahren werden im Detail erläutert.


Je nach Verfahren und unter Berücksichtigung des Allgemeinzustands des Patienten kann der Patient noch am selben Tag aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen werden; der Patient kann aber auch für eine oder mehrere Nächte nach der Operation stationär behandelt werden. Dabei werden die notwendigen Behandlungen durchgeführt, und es wird empfohlen, sich hinzulegen und den Körperteil hochzulegen. Manchmal können Drainagen gelegt werden, um zu verhindern, dass sich das Blut im Körper ansammelt. Die Fäden werden in der Regel am 10. Tag entfernt. Manchmal werden spezielle medizinische BHs bevorzugt. Nach einigen Wochen kann je nach Methode wieder ein aktives körperliches Leben aufgenommen werden. Je nach gewählter Methode können bei Bedarf weitere Eingriffe und Operationen durchgeführt werden. Wie bei jedem chirurgischen Eingriff besteht auch bei Brustrekonstruktionsoperationen das Risiko von Komplikationen.